The Follow the Dream Scholarship Pageant is an annual event that provides young women with an opportunity to win a scholarship in order to continue their education. This well-regarded pageant is a project of FTDBPS, Inc., a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Our eighth annual pageant is anticipated to be the best one yet. We anticipate 250 guests and a large number of sponsors. As in previous years, we expect our 2024 contestants to travel from in and around Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. In addition, we will be extending invitations to potential candidates in other states along the east coast. Our future goal is to have candidates representing each state in the nation.

The pageant will be held in York, PA on September 7, 2024. The event promises to be a night to remember! Tickets for this formal affair include a succulent dinner, live entertainment, dancing, and of course, the beauty and glitz of the main event — the Follow the Dream Scholarship pageant! We would like to extend you the opportunity to participate in the excitement. Outside of attending and cheering on the young ladies, the most important way to participate and support this awesome cause is by becoming a sponsor of the pageant. Sponsorship funding allows us to award substantial scholarships to the winner.

Sponsoring this event is a great opportunity for your organization to support a noble cause, which is to support our youth in their commitment to academic excellence. However, your company benefits from being a part of this high-profile pageant as well. For instance, you will receive media exposure through our promotional and advertising materials. In addition, sponsoring our foundation will also strengthen your corporate image and promote the brand identity of your company in the local community and beyond. Please see the attachment, which provides details for sponsorship opportunities. Review the details of each sponsorship level and select your preference.

We are available to discuss this information in further detail or to answer any questions that you may have pertaining to sponsorship. We thank you in advance for your generosity.